Google Changes Privacy Policy
Google privacy policy and terms of service will be changed starting on March 1, 2012. The change will include replacing previous different privacy statements with one privacy policy common to all of Google’s services, including its search engine, Gmail, Google Plus, Youtube and others. Google’s new privacy statement will be “a lot shorter and easier to read”.
Google’s privacy policy change is expected to affect search engine results as well as paid and organic search engine marketing.
“We’ll better understand which version of Pink or Jaguar you’re searching for and get you those results faster.”
And also:
“A more consistent user experience across Google might mean that we give you more accurate spelling suggestions because you’ve typed them before. Or maybe we can tell you that you’ll be late for a meeting based on your location, your calendar and the local traffic conditions.”
It is still unclear how Google’s privacy change will affect SEO, but it can be assumed that search results will be changed. This expected change is added to the recent Search Plus Your World announcement, where personal search results that draws from the Google+ user profile are integrated into the organic search results.