Aggressive Black Hat SEO – SMX Israel 2012
Speaker: Ziv Dasclau

Ziv Dasclau, from WiseImpact, gave a lecture on Aggressive Black Hat SEO.

With highly concentrated and aggressive competitive industries, “it’s a war out there” says Dasclau.

In Black Hat SEO, sometimes you have to play the Bad Guy, by “eliminating” the sites that rank above you on search engines.
[At this point, Dasclau took off his shirt, revealing the black shirt you see in the picture below, and wore a black hat]

We’re still wondering why Dasclau asked us to look for the blue ball…

Talking about the ways to eliminate your competitors positing on search engines, Ziv mentioned handling the old links pointing to the competitors’ sites.
For example, contacting websites that link to your competitor and asking for a change of link under a false pretense of a address change.

Once we eliminated our competitors’ good links, now we can get them some new (bad) links, either from link farms, banned sites, fake spammy profiles or from sub domains on the same IP.

Just the same we will make our competitors sites to link to bad sites such as spammy or banned sites, link brokers sites and so on. neighborhoods,

Here we move another step forward, attacking the competitor’s site

This is a creepy example of the list of emails and log in details Dascalu had managed to retrieve (all are from the SMX conference)

“Black Hatters ” also use Web Master Tools for hurting their competitors (you may change the target audience to a different country and the competitors is gone!)

You may also approach the GYM people and ask for a link in the name of your competitors…

You can use Analytics to change user behavior information, to find fake queries and buy botnet fake traffic trends.

302 Hijack, cross-domain canonization and cloaked 301 redirection are some of the methods used with Black Hat SEO.

Another bad road to follow is to get your own guy to “work” for your competitor…

Using social media is also favored by Black Hat SEO to trash reputation and follow brand conversations to give bad feedback.

Another Black Hat technique is Denial of Service (DDOS) that targets the target site’s IP and yanks it’s resources.